Digital Illustration

Featured Artwork for the
48th Annual Girdwood Forest Fair

Girdwood Forest Fair 2023 Official Artwork

A captivating digital artwork that embodies the enchanting allure of fairy tales and nature, and honors the mythical creatures and natural wonders of the Girdwood Forest.

This is a tribute to the serene beauty and rustic charm of the Girdwood Forest Fair. Drawing inspiration from the Forest Fairies and the mushroom-loving locals of Girdwood, this artwork brings to life a whimsical world where these delightful creatures frolic and play around the red cap mushrooms found on our trails – where fairies dwell in their secluded mushroom sanctuary.


The Girdwood Forest Fair is a family-friendly event held annually in the resort town of Girdwood, Alaska. The fair features Alaskan artists, hand-crafted items, local foods, and entertainers from all over Alaska.

One of the most popular items at the fair is the limited-edition Girdwood Forest Fair T-shirt. Each year, the fair asks local artists to submit designs for the t-shirt. The winning design is then printed on t-shirts and merch that are sold at the fair. The proceeds from the t-shirt sales go to support local organizations.

My design was printed on all of the Girdwood Forest Fair merchandise, including t-shirts, sweatshirts, stickers, and posters.

Branded cup of Girdwood Forest Fair
Forest Fairies at the Girdwood Forest Fair Beer Garden
Forest Fairies selling the T-Shirt at the Girdwood Forest Fair booth